The expedition „Vetrenka dupka“ was successfully completed for the Bulgarian cave society. The aim was to study and map the cave „Vetrena Dupka“ near the village of Poganovo, in the western outskirts, Serbia. The expedition was attended by 12 members of the company and supporters from different parts of the country. People from Pernik, Plovdiv, Rousse, Sevlievo, Sofia, Chepelare and A. Stoianoski – a guest from the speleological society „Ursus Speleos“ from Macedonia, with which the BCS has a memorandum of cooperation.
Thanks to the responsiveness of our friend and partner Mikan Andreev, representing the Tsaribrod Mountains Association and the Sports Union of Tsaribrod, once again provided us with the base of the Mountain House „Greben“ in the village of Poganovo.
On July 28th,
After a 2-hour annoying crossing of the Bulgarian-Serbian border, the four vehicles riding the participants, one at a time, gathered in Poganovo. On the Sabbath day, which was only for work, the participants were divided into four groups. Three of them for mapping and one for exploring new parts of the cave. Within a few hours the cavers of the first three groups managed to map 734 m of the cave. The rest did not achieve the desired result. Beyond the narrows entrance the tunnel expanded where towards the end the wind was blowing like a ‘Beast’.! Advancement, however, requires more specialized work for which the group was not prepared.
It turned out that the siphon at the end of the cave, through which it connects with the cave „Cave“ (-116.60 m), which was mapped during a previous walk, opened further. An unambiguous confirmation of this was the strong airflow across the cave, which was cool enough for us all. Despite their great desire and a serious risk of overcooling, the researchers did not dare to sink into the lake to make a physical connection with the abyss and map this area. Several climbs in height also did not produce a positive result, but ultimately the primary goal was fulfilled. At this stage, according to the map, the total length of the Vetren hole is already 1 354 m. As it became clear, however, unfinished business remained, which implied further walks. This is good because such challenges keep speleologists alive and active.
Return to Bulgaria,
After the wonderful stunning views of the western suburbs, our life is bruised. The returning European cars of Turkish immigrants had formed a 15-kilometer queue on the Serbian-Bulgarian border. Instead of 4-5 hours of waiting, we preferred to go back through Stresimirovtsi. As it is called, „Away to see“. What to do is not full of happiness!

- A. Zhalov – „Helictitus“ – BCS
- A. Stoyanovski – Ursus Speleos – Skopje
- B.Barislavov – Puldin Plovdiv – Plovdiv
- V. Gyorev – BCS
- G.Raychev – „Studenets“ – Chepelare, BCS
- E. Koussovska – BCS
- I. Chichev – Pernik – BCS
- Y.Angelov – BCS
- K.Bonev – BCS
- M.Minkov – „Witten“ PC – Sevlievo
- S.Popov – PC „Prista“ – Rousse – BCS
- T. Valerianova – „Heliktitt“ – Sofia, BCS