This time Bansko Film Fest’2017 did not go without us the cavers. The Bulgarian Cave Society (BCS) was again not only a partner of the festival but also actively involved in the implementation of its program! Other co-workers took part in it. We launched a hit on the second day in the „Memory“ panel. Alexey Zhalov took us back 40 years ago when he and Stefan Tsonev survived for 62 days underground in the framework of the research experiment „Dry Bakes“. Then, with sadness, but not without admiration, we remembered Alexander Stresov, the enthusiastic explorer of the Duhlata (and not only) cave, who, if among us, would have been 75 years old. After the show, the film „The Duh“ was also released. The apogee of the evening came with a presentation by colleagues from the „Pod Ribou“ club (under the edge), about their unusual discoveries at the Kolkina hole – the deepest precipice in the country.
In the meantime, Sasho Popov, chairman of Prista, Rousse and a member of BCS, arranged the exhibition with the best photographs of the International Cognitive Competition „Caves and We“, organized by the Russians and the Balkan Speleological Union. On top of everything, the 12-sheet calendar contained some of the photos proudly wisely among the print editions for sale, and found a good reception amongst the participants.
Over the next two days our attention was focused on perhaps, one of the most meaningful things at the festival – the implementation of the program for our future children. The already trained activities took place in the „Propopadloto“ Cave, located within the borders of „Pirin Golf“ near Razlog. Under the leadership of V.Giorev, D.Minkov, S.Popov and A.Zhalov more than 60 children from schools in Bansko, village of Bachevo and village of Mesta have entered into the cave divided into groups. Our Chairman K.Bonev tells them so wonderfully why and how the caves are formed and what they are hiding. Did their kids like it?
f course, that was clearly visible to the faces of their joyous faces. No doubt the penetration of the cave was a great experience. The instructors were happy and hopeful that some of the children would follow our path of researchers. The feedback clearly reflects the effect of our children’s activities. Here is one of them:
„Hello Mr. Bonev.
First of all, I want to thank you for the extremely emotional experience that you, Alexey Zhalov, Sasho Popov, Vanyo Gyorev and the experienced photographer Dobrin Minkov gave us! Children are also extremely impressed by the story of the bats, the formation of the caves, the cave penetration, the cleaning … I can not list everything they share. I only know one – all without exception want to go to Rakitovo! As you say, you managed to make us fall in love with the caves and I’m sure some of them will continue ….
… And my daughter will remember a lesson for a lifetime – beat your fear of stumbling on entering last year and knows you have to try and fight! For me too! I have lost my fear! Once again thank you. Goritza Lazarova – a teacher from the elementary school „St. Cyril and Methodius“ – Bachevo. „
We accidentally decided to extend the thematic circle and, on the idea of the owner of the hotel „Stenata“ in Banya, we organized a presentation on the „Single rope technique“ on the climbing wall of the hotel. Under the explanations of A. Zhalov, the demonstration was made by Ivan Petrov from the cave club „Heliktit“, Sofia. The viewers were not many, but the interest was great.
Perhaps the most anticipated cave event was the premiere of BTv’s „Unknown Kyrgyzstan“ by Ladislav Tsvetkov. The author, who, together with Kamen Bonev and Heliana Dundarova, took part in the international expedition „Alai’2017“ presented a band reflecting not only the course of the eponymous show, but also the natural beauties, the lifestyle and the culture of this mountain people.
In general, the Bansko Film Fest has established itself as the biggest cultural event of the year in the field of outdoor activities, trips, adventures, lifestyle and culture of the mountain peoples. It gives the opportunity not only to the best of the industry, but also allows the „mortal“ to absorb the spirit of the prominent researchers and the seekers of strong sensations and to motivate to follow their path – who as much as he wants and can. This time, despite the accompanying difficulties, the organizers provided excellent conditions for this to happen. That is why we cordially thank them. The festival is definitive of mountain culture and a gathering of people, seemingly crazy, but otherwise are committed to follow their dreams – where for their own pleasure, where to achieve some specific research purposes. Long-time friends also meet there, and new friends are being created. Goodbye till next year. Until then, the world will expect to hear what he did in the mountains, the caves, over and under the water, in the expanse above us!
At this link you can see more photos from the Bansko Film Fest event